Inkscape for Graphic Design

Subject: Arts

Course Level: 1st Year Undergrad, 2nd Year Undergrad, 3rd Year Undergrad, 4th Year Undergrad, 5th Year Undergrad, Graduate

Resource Type: Activities and Labs, Images, Graphics and/or Illustrations

Date Released: N/A

Description: Inkscape is an open-source vector graphics editor similar to Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, Freehand, or Xara X. It creates primarily vector art and the resulting graphics are scalable while still retaining resolution fidelity. It is a sophisticated application with a rich feature set. It is a great tool for creating illustrations, logos, title pages, clip art, posters, presentation graphics, etc. The main drawing card is that it is free. It uses a Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), an open XML-based W3C standard, as the native format. It does import bit-mapped images but the down side is that it doesn't allow much manipulation of that type of image. So this is not a Photoshop equivalent.


Date of Review: 2016-09-13

Review Details

Rubric V Scoring Guide

3: An object is rated superior for its opportunities for deeper learning only if all of the following are true:

  • At least three of the deeper learning skills from the list identified in this rubric are required in the object.
  • The object offers a range of cognitive demand that is appropriate and supportive of the material.
  • Appropriate scaffolding and direction are provided.

2: An object is rated strong for its opportunities for deeper learning if it includes one or two deeper learning skills identified in this rubric. For example, the object might involve a complex problem that requires abstract reasoning skills to reach a solution.

1: An object is rated limited for its opportunities for deeper learning if it includes one deeper learning skill identified in the rubric but is missing clear guidance on how to tap into the various aspects of deeper learning. For example, an object might include a provision for learners to collaborate, but the process and product are unclear.

0: An object is rated very weak for its opportunities for deeper learning if it appears to be designed to provide some of the deeper learning opportunities identified in this rubric, but it is not useful as it is presented. For example, the object might be based on poorly formulated problems and/or unclear directions, making it unlikely that this lesson or activity will lead to skills like critical thinking, abstract reasoning, constructing arguments, or modelling.

N/A: This rubric is not applicable (N/A) to an object that does not appear to be designed to provide the opportunity for deeper learning, even though one might imagine how it could be used to do so. Even if one might imagine ways an object could be used for assessment purposes, if it is not the intended purpose, not applicable is the appropriate score.

Quality of Explanation of the Subject Matter 2
Utility of Materials Designed to Support Teaching 2
Quality of Assessments N/A
Quality of Instructional and Practice Exercises 2
Opportunities for Deeper Learning 3

Accessibility Standards

Yes No N/A
Accessibility Statement and/or policy clear clear done
Text Access done clear clear
Text Adjustment done clear clear
Reading Layout clear clear done
Reading Order clear clear done
Structural Markup/Navigation clear clear done
Tables clear clear done
Hyperlinks done clear clear
Colour and Contrast done clear clear
Language clear done clear
Images done clear clear
Multimedia done clear clear
Flickering done clear clear
Assistive Technology Compatible clear clear done
Interactive Elements done clear clear

Subject Matter: Arts

Subcategories: Art, Media & Design

Levels: 1st Year Undergrad, 2nd Year Undergrad, 3rd Year Undergrad, 4th Year Undergrad, 5th Year Undergrad, Graduate

Format: downloadable application

Type: Activities and Labs, Images, Graphics and/or Illustrations

Comments: Inscape is an amazing tool that can be used across disciplines (considering it is free). It does not compete with commercial programs; for instance, it will not be as robust or responsive as Adobe Illustrator. If your institution or organization already has access to a commercial drawing application then you should probably use that. However, if you don't have access to a commercial vector drawing application then Inkscape has most of the features you will ever need, if you are willing to deal with more sluggish response times, screen flickering and screen artifacts. Inkscape can be used for almost any course that involves the creation of visual illustrations and excels with graphics that involve text, lines and shapes. Inkscape is packed with powerful features. For instance, it supports layers which can be a useful way to edit more complex designs. It can export in a large number of graphic formats so the results can be integrated into almost any application that incorporates graphic images. It is possible to import bitmapped images but it is not designed to edit those, so it is not a replacement for a bit-mapped image editor like Photoshop. The learning curve can be steep but there are great video tutorials on the Internet to overcome this barrier. In addition, an approach to take would be to show students a subset of the features and have them create with that first. Overtime they could expand on their craft and skill set as they explore deeper into Inkscape's feature set. Overall this is a useful tool for any course that involves the design and creation of visual elements. It is a great tool for students who are on a budget and can't afford a professional application like Adobe Illustrator. It is useful for communicating visual ideas and concepts from scratch when you need a free but powerful solution.

Peer Reviewer Name: Marlo Steed

License for this resource: GNU General Public License, version 2