Physical Geology Ancillary Resources
Physical Geology Ancillary Resources
Subject: Sciences, Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Science
Resource: textbook
Institution: N/A
Resource Developers: Kevin Skaret, Maskwacis Cultural College
Date Released: 2017-07-17
These ancillary resources were created to compliment the use of the open textbook "Physical Geology" available at: Ancillary Resources include: 11 powerpoint slides to support didactic delivery of content from the Physical Geology open textbook. Textbook Description: Physical Geology is a comprehensive introductory text on the physical aspects of geology, including rocks and minerals, plate tectonics, earthquakes, volcanoes, glaciation, groundwater, streams, coasts, mass wasting, climate change, planetary geology and much more. The book has a strong emphasis on examples from western Canada, especially British Columbia, and also includes a chapter devoted to the geological history of western Canada.
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Except where otherwise noted. Physical Geology Ancillary Resources is licensed for use and reuse under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license.